Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Only Three Days Remaining Until The Great American Think Out!

It's exciting! October 2, 2008 is THE DAY of The Think Out. A day we've been waiting for for almost a year. The timeliness of our group intention setting couldn't be better. With the collapse of the economy, and the panic ensuing from the failed bank bailout plan, rising gas and home heating prices as we head into winter, a decisive election around the corner in November (remember to get out and vote), and anxiety about the ongoing war in Iraq, relief is necessary.

Relief is at hand. On Thursday, we hope you plan to join us in declaring an intentional day of peaceful presence. To make it easy and enjoyable we are offering an all-day LIVE simulcast event of meditations, processes, readings, music, prayer and reflections to help us shift the global energy from fear to peace.

Broadcast LIVE by simulcast (phone or
Internet—It’s your personal choice!)

The phone number is always the same:
Phone-Number to Dial: 218-486-3695
Use Conference ID: 634652#

If Eastern is not your time zone, convert here: www.timezoneconverter.com

Morning Broadcast (8 AM ET to 12 PM ET)

8:00 Good morning
8:30 Sangeeta Sahi Meditation LIVE London, England
9:00 Ernest Chu Prayer LIVE Florida
9:30 Eliana Gilad Sound Process LIVE Israel
10:00 Reading
10:15 Jennifer McLean Hoponopono RECORDED
10:30 Jeff Fasano Meditation LIVE New York, NY
11:00 Sam Addetiwar Meditation LIVE Boulder, CO.
11:30 Kayhan Ghodsi Heart Chakra Meditation RECORDED

Midday Broadcast (12 PM ET to 4 PM ET)

12:00 Richard Aronow Meditation LIVE LaJolla, CA.
12:30 David Ellzey The Sedona Method LIVE New York, NY
1:00 Stacey Joiner Meditation LIVE Florida
1:30 Jennifer McLean Body Dialogue RECORDED
1:45 Sarah Maria Heart Meditation RECORDED
2 pm Craig Collins Walking Process LIVE LaJolla, CA.
3:00 Music and readings
3:45 Music

Evening Broadcast (4 PM ET to 8 PM ET)

4:00 Raphael Cushnir LIVE Oregon
4:45 Music
5:00 Richard and Stephanie Conversation LIVE
5:30 Crystal Dwyer LIVE Phoenix, AZ
6:15 Music
6:30 Ravindra Walsh LIVE Ithaca, NY
7:15 Stephanie and Richard
8:00 Good night

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